When one juxtaposed the UN report to what can be seen on You Tube, it is tantamount to something out of George Orwell’s 1984. The fact that one can see evidence contrary to what is written in the UN report maintains that organization’s constant refrain of bias against the Jewish State… I have written before that somewhere in the UN, there are biased reports on the ready against Israel… with only the date needed to be attached… and in case where there is a new Secretary General, then the attachment of his name as signatory. Just once, the UN should come out with an objective report concerning incidents between the Israelis and the Arabs. How are fair minded people supposed to look at the Unite Nations in light of the empirical evidence readily available?
This latest United Nations report against Israel should be another object lesson for the Jews, which confirms that they are alone in this world – and make no mistake as to where our secular messiah president sentiments are in this internecine conflict between Jew and Arab. And a broader note and similar vein, if Israel is going to carry out a preemptive strike against the Mullahs in Iran, I hope that Netanyahu does not inform the Obama administration until the payloads are delivered… such is the lack of trust between a once storied alliance.
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