Let me be honest, every chance I get, I watch the Glenn Beck program on TV because if he says something, he tells you the source of his opinion and whence it came and where to find it. Moreover, Beck is an equal opportunity critic and anyone who creates such angst for the biased media for me is worth listening to – and indeed, Mr. Beck does. Who in the Liberal media you know could have amassed the amount of denizens that visited Washington, D.C. last Saturday? Could Keith Olbermann, Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, Chris Mathews, and Katie Couric do so… and have the juice to muster all those folks to come together peacefully?
We had the like of Al Sharpton and the current head of the NAACP… opining about taking back “the Dream.” This underscores the arrogance of these men… that the fact that Reverend Martin Luther King’s (MLK) niece, who was with Beck in D.C., espousing that same ‘dream,’ yet, Sharpton and the NAACP would have you believe that only they have a claim to and the correct interpretation of King’s ‘Dream and not MLK’s blood relative. When I look at many in the current Democratic Party, I often wonder if they would have embraced MLK, were he alive, because of his reverence for and penchant to have many references in his homilies to the Christ?
Back to Mr. Beck - I know what the critics say… that all of us who listen to him are rubes. This probably stems from the fact that he dares to be a critic of the secular messiah that currently occupies the White House or maybe it is his evoking of Jesus over the airwaves – oops! There are those who will tell you with straight faces that Mr. Beck preaches hate and instills in people the seeds to do violence. These same people forget the vitriol spewed at President Bush… but thanks to the Internet, said hatred can still be seen in splendid color. And guess what, had anyone tried to kill Bush or the current occupant of the White House, because of some pundit’s so called “hateful diatribe,” those people should be considered and would have been considered loons.
No one has the right to MLK’s ‘dream’ because he too spoke of all people coming together to foster goodwill to benefit the collective. Perhaps, Mr. Sharpton and the NAACP have forgotten the white brothers and sisters who died to secure the Franchise… and that President Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, and moreover, white. Mr. Beck’s display of his popularity by humbly convoking such a mass of peaceful people… invoking them to get back to God… are manifestations of what MLK stood and died for. And lest I be looked upon as being guilty of “secular blaspheme,” Becks convocation was not so much about MLK, but about the teachings of Jesus to enable us hopefully to piece back together the state of our tattered union. Props to you Mr. Beck…. indeed, no good deed goes unpunished.
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