In listening to the Imam on Larry king Wednesday, we are told that he could not and would not recommend changing the site of the scheduled mosque because it would put us in the cross hairs of radical Muslims… making us a target, so much. The Imam even chalked up his concerns and relegated the backlash to a matter of national security. The reporter, with her puppy-dog eyes, did not remind the Imam how come all of sudden America is against Muslims when the landscape is replete with mosques. We are to believe that the vast majority who oppose the mosque are racist… when no retaliation was taken against Muslims during the rawness of 911 – and rightfully so - but now we are a nation of raging racist people… engendering hard feelings against Americans by the radicals.
I have questions for the Imam and those who think that our actions caused the radicalization of some Muslims: what was it that caused radicals to blow up the Khobar Towers; the attack on the USS Cole; the destruction of the embassies in East Africa; the 2002 destruction of the Bali night clubs where dozens of innocent died; and the first attempted destruction of the World Trade Center where lives were lost? Perhaps, the intrepid CNN reporter should have asked the Imam about all these acts that were done prior to any American invasion of Iraq or Afghanistan… and underscoring that many of these terrorist acts occurred when President Clinton was in office. Preventing radicalization and anything we may do now is of little consequence - that ship seemed to have sailed.
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