Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lowering The Moral Bar

It is the old Chris Rock joke… where the comedian laments about fathers who boast about taking care of their children. As Chris Rock says, who are supposed to take care of them – these fathers want praises
for essentially doing what it is their duties of taking care of the children they have sired.  This is the state of the world now whereby the moral bar has been substantially lowered, and moreover, where many of us, like those fathers are expecting rewards for duties that should be obligatory and selfless. This perverted thought process is not only relegated to these fathers, but it has permeated our thoughts on a spate of issues… including our current debate on the Ground Zero mosque and the burning of the

The fact that we had to practically beg a Florida preacher not to burn the Koran for fear of Muslim uprising in the world is also a testament how far the bar is lowered. No one is advocating that anyone to burn the Koran, but the fact that many Muslim would harm others if this disrespectful act is carried out says that there is a dis-connect to relative morality. As a traditional Christian, I would not want anyone to burn the Bible - but I dare say that if this act were to take place, you would not see Christians or their leaders advocating for the death of the misguided perpetrators.  Yet, we seem to accept and it is indeed a reality that this wanton violence, as a given, were the Florida preacher to have carried out his burning of the Koran. 

This is the moral bar that we have set and tolerated by the denizens of political correctness. It is why that it is opened season and that there is license in Hollywood to berate all other religions, especially traditional Christianity, but yet there is fawning reverence for Islam.  Case in point, in the recent movie 2012, the director saw fit to destroy every religious icon, but those of the Muslims. What cowards… borne out of fear for the so called… “religion of peace.”

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