Long ago, in a previous blog, I predicted that when President Obama starts losing the coattails from the high of his presidency that many blacks would cry racism – this is illogical since the percentage of black voters are such that they cannot elect him without many whites voters. To that end too President Obama is implicated because he let this bogus belief that the reason why he is on his way to becoming the next Jimmy Carter is borne out of America’s antebellum racism – but I supposed that this is the nature of politics... to use an issue no matter how divisive just as long as said issue maintains power. No group like the NAACP uses racism, warranted or not, to maintains its relevance. The NACCP has become a rudderless ship… engaging in discourse and behavior, which probably have Martin Luther King doing cart wheels in his sanctified grave.
There is an event that shows how low the NAACP has become: when MLK wife died a couple years ago, then President Bush and wife, Laura, went down to Georgia to pay their respect. Many of these men of the NAACP - even President Carter - used their allotted time, which was given to eulogize Mrs. King, to engage in the single most display of incivility I have ever witnessed. President Bush sat there with his wife… and had it been me, I would have left. Mr. Andrew Young was the only one, if I remembered correctly, who chastised these men from the NAACP about their despicable behavior - imagine, the opposite happening by one of my white brothers at a similar August occasion?
As a Blackman from the Caribbean , when I arrived on these shores as a teenage boy, I went through hell because I did not walk down the Primrose Path with my black brothers on certain issues; then, I might as well have tattooed myself with the “Uncle Tom” and “House Negro” epithets. This was the era when ‘Political Correctness’ was a sapling… a time when the NAACP, assisted by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, planted, watered, and gave increase to this PC cancer… positing that the ‘truth’ is relative.
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