This selective ‘picking on’ of Mel Gibson and not of Mr. Tyson is a classic Hollywood paternalistic move and the latitude given Tyson, though it seems to be endeavors to foster second chances, is really enforcement of stereotypes - you see in their twisted mind… blacks, like Tyson, who has a record, is worthy of a second chance… because having a “rap sheet” are normal for ‘them.’ It is why Halle Berry, in her Oscar win for her role in ‘Monsters Ball,’ had to endure such humiliation at the hands of Bill Bob Thornton… or why Denzel Washington had to play a murdering corrupt cop in ‘Training Day’ to finally win his Oscar. Mr. Gibson, on the other hand, deserves less because he is white and he should have no rap sheet. And look at the cast’s acting pedigree, that is passing judgment, compare to that of Mr. Gibson?
I will not spend much time to show the arbitrariness and selective moral outrage of the cast of ‘The Hangover 2’ or some in Hollywood as a whole. But note that some of these same actors/directors once convoked and signed a petition berating the United Government… accusing it on how wrong it was for trying to extradite the pedophile rapist director, Roman Polanski… these are the same vainglorious denizens who just gave Charlie Sheen, a two-year contract worth over $90 million, notwithstanding his country-mile-long rap sheet. Incidentally, unlike Mr. Gibson, Polanski was convicted.
I say to the cast of ‘The Hangover 2’ stay morally perfect in that cesspool of what is Hollywood ... but I dare say that your work combined will never ad up to that of Mr. Gibson in box-office take, the coveted Oscar performances, or wins.
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