I personally do not know if Stewart is a bigot… but, I can bet that he has said things about Beck or Palin that are just as outrageous… but that is ok because they are “Right Wing Fanatics,” and moreover, he has said these pithy outrageous things under the rubric of satire. Satire for haters has become the craven refuge of those who do not want to argue facts… but note that only Liberals have right to invoke this all encompassing “satire” cover.
If only Rick Sanchez had invoked this “satire” like is the wont of the object of his invective, Jon Stewart… perhaps, he might still have a job at CNN. The loons at MSNBC – Maddow and Olbermann – mentioned Rick’s demise… with straight faces. But why am I surprise of the hypocrisy? President Clinton was recently calling Republicans names to fire up the Democratic base… knowing that Monica Lewinsky still has evidence of his prematurity (pun intended).
M r. Sanchez has been spewing much lunacy, but he dare to attack his own… forcing the elites to choose and sacrifice one its own. Take comfort Mr. Sanchez… many of my black brothers and sisters have made the same mistake you have made… thinking that Liberals are supposedly different from Republicans vis-à-vis the race issue. The Blackman is the lowest on the totem pole… and you Mr. Sanchez, according to their scheme, are above the Blackman - but you should have known that our Jewish brothers (Jon Stewart) and sisters have more juice than you do.
Mr. Sanchez should take heart that his show did not have high ratings and that those of Stewart, Maddow, and Olbermann are in the same sinking ship; it is worth repeating that sometime in the near future some pet will perform a trick, which will be place on the Internet… going viral and garnering much more ratings than Olbermann, Maddow, Stewart and the like… combined.
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