Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Tobasco Sauce Stinging Irony Of The Black Male Athlete Divorcing His Trophy White Wife

I must confess that I strive and hope to continue to live a life that were charges to be brought, that said charges would convict me of being a ‘Traditional Christian’ – I say this to juxtapose what I am about to discus about Black male athletes marrying white women. As a Christian, love has no barriers nor should it, but we know that we seldom see female White athletes of any stripes marrying Black men. Those of us who watch race relations know that we should not make the mistake of equating President’s Obama ascent to the pinnacle of power to think that, mostly White America, has changed on its outlook when it comes to interracial relationships, especially those between the White women and Black men. Let’s be honest, I dare surmise that Erin would not have married Tiger Woods nor would there have been unions between most White wives, unless the Black husbands were wealthy citizens of note.

Can anyone honestly see Maria Sharapova, Danica Patrick, or any of the A-list White actresses of note being married to a Black man – don’t answer, the query was rhetorical. Now, as someone who has walked the halls of academia, I know that many such hook-ups, though on the ‘down-low,’ are rampant. But the truth is that there is still a Teflon taboo, especially among many of my White brothers and sisters, associated with such mixed unions… even though the taboo feelings are more tacit than in the past. I have not done a scientific study nor do I know of any, but I am going to hazard a guess that when White wives like Tiger Wood divorce these Black athletes, they subsequent relationships are with White men.

The irony is that, although Tiger Woods wife had ample cause to divorce him, some White man, more than likely, will be raising his children and spending that huge divorce settlement loot in the near future. To measure the barometer of race relation in this country, look to see if there are interracial relationships on the screen between A-list actresses and Black men – moreover, see if you will ever see a Black man doing to any big time White actress what Billy-Bob-Thornton did to Halle Berry in the movie, “Monster’s Ball.” I am barely fourscore, but I am certain that even were I to live to be a hundred, you will never see the White female athletes or any White women of note… dating or marrying Black men. In the mean time, you will see the opposite and if it is borne out of love, great.

You ever noticed that on the Bachelorette reality shows you have to look hard to find the token Black guy, if any, being among the competitors as a suitor for the White lady? To further capture and expound on my premise… can anyone who will read this blog ever imagine seeing Taylor Swift with a Black man being her lover in one of her videos – and mind you, this scenario will only be acting.
-Verily Prime

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Allen Iverson – The Basketball David Who Slew Giants

Were you to ask me who is the greatest basketball player, ever, I would say, subjectively, it’s Allen Iverson, even though I know, objectively, stats-wise, it’s Michael Jordan. I chose Allen Iverson (hereinafter, AI) because night after night AI was like the Biblical David… slaying giants. Look at AI, he is tiny compare to the behemoths that play or played the game of basketball. I expect the like of Shaq, Duncan, LeBron… and Mello to put the ball in the basket with force; but look at AI size compare to most of his contemporaries, his stature is akin to that of a gnat, yet, for over a decade, he held his own… taking a pounding during his stay on the main stage. Like all artists, AI had his demons and they often accompanied him on the court and to the locker room. It was AI who gave us the memorable and often quoted, ‘practice!?’ 

AI had many detractors which is the reason, in my humble opinion, for him not getting the props that he so richly deserves. Such disrespect is evident in the fact that AI is currently lacing up his shoes for a Turkish team... and it is being reported that AI let teams know that he was available, but because of his baggage of not wanting to practice or his refusal to take a lesser role of not being the ‘star,’ no team considered him. There are  those who are going to say, oh, how the mighty has fallen, but it would not be warranted because AI basketball stats are stellar and conspicuous, which match up against the past and current giants of the game. I do not know what is propelling AI to play in Turkey – I hope that it is borne out of his love for the game… showing the teams that passed on his availability their folly.

It is said that no man is an island, but the Christ and even He had his twelve disciples. In that vein, AI never had a supporting cast, yet he reached the basketball promised land… only to be thwarted by Kobe… preventing AI from wearing the coveted scepter. I had hoped to see AI still playing on American soil, but if it is not to be... so be it. I say to AI, take heart, because if those of us who love B-ball are objective, we have the jaw-dropping memories of your defiance of gravity, your walking on air, and, your slaying of giants. Practice… not for one whom the game of basketball seemed to come to so naturally – farewell, AI!  
-Verily Prime       

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Ongoing Travesty That Is Celebrity Justice

Those of us who are minorities always say that the blindfolded lady (Themis) holding the scales displayed in front of the court-houses of justice does so because she cannot face us due to the disparity in sentencing in America for whites and minorities – but in this same vein, we should amend our thoughts by adding that there is nothing more perverse than the current justice doled out to the typical Hollywood celebrity, black or white, who runs afoul of the law. Wesley Snipes’ pending jail sentence for tax evasion is just that - pending; Lindsay Lohan’s received ninety days in jail, but because of the supposed over crowdedness, she served only two weeks; and recently, reported that Charlie Sheen, instead of doing jail time for domestic violence against his wife, will, instead, do thirty days in rehab. This does not include his recent trashing of the New York hotel room… allegedly decorated with a hooker and cocaine.

How is it that the jails in and around Hollywood are always overcrowded for celebrities, but not for the common folks? We all remembered Paris Hilton’s “perp” walk and that of Lindsay Lohan’s – we commended the judges who adjudicated both cases, but the sentences were not carried out to their max because of the convenience of ‘over crowdedness’ of the jails. Where are the intrepid reporters to investigate this disparity and show how the celebrities are unfairly favored? For God’s sake, look at Mr. Sheen’s criminal record – the bloody definition of recidivism should be a picture of Mr. Sheen. As for Mr. Snipes, I recently saw him on TMZ - I thought that when your case goes to the Appellate Court and you lose… then you go to jail until you case is heard by the court of last resort, the Supreme Court?

The citizenry must have confidence in the judicial system; and although, we have reverence for our pop icons, there has to be a modicum of fairness and the appearance that justice is indeed blind. With the recent sentencing for the celebrities mentioned above, we are left to think that lady justice blind fold is transparent, at least for the vain-glorious citizens of Hollywood.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It Would Be Political Suicide For The Democratic Party If Hillary Runs In 2012

Perhaps, this is a wishful ploy by some Republicans, but there are rumors, reported by Monica Crawley last year in the Washington Times and repeated again on the O’reilley Factor, when she filled in for him, that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is contemplating running for President in 2012. The thinking is that, because President Obama is going through a tough time, as reflected by recent poling, that Mrs. Clinton will take advantage and challenge President Obama during the Democratic convention. It is an opened secret that Mrs. Clinton covets the Presidency, but who hasn’t, especially if that person would make epochal history by being the first female President?

If this is true about Mrs. Clinton’s challenge to President Obama in 2012, it would almost be right up there with Benedict Arnold’s betrayal. The clues that Crawley are looking at, which supposedly show Mrs. Clinton’s desire to run against President Obama are: that democratic operative James Carville has been bitterly critical of President Obama’s handling of the Gulf spill; the fact that President Clinton endorsed another candidate than the one endorsed by President Obama in Colorado; the various polling which shows that Mrs. Clinton has double digits leads over President Obama when asked who is better in running the country; Hispanics feeling betrayed by President Obama for not pressing for Immigration reform; and the fact the President Obama hasn’t closed Gitmo, pulled the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan – all important issues for the far left and the Progressives.

Something similar happened to the Republicans - for years, Blacks voted for Republicans because of President Lincoln’s indispensable contribution to the Emancipation Proclamation… that is until the Republicans threw their support behind the South with its Jim Crow laws in the twenties and thirties; at that juncture, Blacks started voting for FDR and it has been a constant since. This will change however - not that Blacks in droves will embrace the Republican Party - but they will stay home and abstain from voting. And even if Mrs. Clinton were to win, then henceforth, the Democratic Party will suffer, especially in House and Senate races. 

This will never happen because Mrs. Clinton is not suicidal about her political career – could you imagine if she is elected under these circumstances and watching the reaction of the Black Caucus in attendance during her State of the Union address? I don’t care what the poles say or how bad that President Obama is doing… Mrs. Clinton will be the loyal Democrat, especially since President Obama appointed her as Secretary of State – she too must remember that the late Ted Kennedy almost destroyed the Democratic Party, after he challenged a sitting Democratic President, Jimmy Carter.  

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Blackballing Of Mel Gibson Has Began

From the get go, I should convey that I am a fan of most of Mr. Gibson’s movies, but that does not mean that I give him license or excuse his behavior for his racist tirades. I write… believing in second chances and to show the hypocrisy of those actors in ‘The Hangover’ who refused to work with Mr. Gibson on the cameo he was scheduled for in the sequel. The self-righteous behavior of the cast was somehow missing when a convicted rapist, Mike Tyson, was made part of the first movie… no one, part of this sensitive cast, protested Mike Tyson’s being part of the original movie. Let me check the legal record, has Mr. Gibson being convicted of any crime - could it be that Mr. Gibson being white was obvious the one likely to be ‘blackballed’? …Ironically, this favoring of Tyson is one of the few times the black man in Hollywood has gotten a break.

This selective ‘picking on’ of Mel Gibson and not of Mr. Tyson is a classic Hollywood paternalistic move and the latitude given Tyson, though it seems to be endeavors to foster second chances, is really enforcement of stereotypes - you see in their twisted mind… blacks, like Tyson, who has a record, is worthy of a second chance… because having a “rap sheet” are normal for ‘them.’ It is why Halle Berry, in her Oscar win for her role in ‘Monsters Ball,’ had to endure such humiliation at the hands of Bill Bob Thornton… or why Denzel Washington had to play a murdering corrupt cop in ‘Training Day’ to finally win his Oscar. Mr. Gibson, on the other hand, deserves less because he is white and he should have no rap sheet. And look at the cast’s acting pedigree, that is passing judgment, compare to that of Mr. Gibson?

I will not spend much time to show the arbitrariness and selective moral outrage of the cast of ‘The Hangover 2’ or some in Hollywood as a whole. But note that some of these same actors/directors once convoked and signed a petition berating the United Government… accusing it on how wrong it was for trying to extradite the pedophile rapist director, Roman Polanski… these are the same vainglorious denizens who just gave Charlie Sheen, a two-year contract worth over $90 million, notwithstanding his country-mile-long rap sheet. Incidentally, unlike Mr. Gibson, Polanski was convicted.

I say to the cast of  ‘The Hangover 2’ stay morally perfect in that cesspool of what is Hollywood...  but I dare say that your work combined will never ad up to that of Mr. Gibson in box-office take, the coveted Oscar performances, or wins.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Can Someone Tell Me Whatever Happen To The NAACP?

There was a time when the NAACP was revered for diligently fighting for, among other things, voting rights for Black Americans… now, the NAACP is relegated to an organization stuck on the “crying wolf mantra.” I am not mistaken to think that racism is not still rampant, even though now it is more subtle, and ironically, more prevalent in the so called Liberal enclaves – but that is a discussion for another blog. When President Obama took office, I thought that the NAACP and our intrepid Civil Rights leaders would be out of business, but alas, they are still lugging around their torches to add fire to the racial embers. This is a NAACP which sits around and gives tacit approval, by way of its sonic boom silence, when black conservative women are mercilessly attacked because they are not walking lock-step with the ‘progressive’ thought at issue.

Long ago, in a previous blog, I predicted that when President Obama starts losing the coattails from the high of his presidency that many blacks would cry racism – this is illogical since the percentage of black voters are such that they cannot elect him without many whites voters. To that end too President Obama is implicated because he let this bogus belief that the reason why he is on his way to becoming the next Jimmy Carter is borne out of America’s antebellum racism – but I supposed that this is the nature of politics... to use an issue no matter how divisive just as long as said issue maintains power. No group like the NAACP uses racism, warranted or not, to maintains its relevance. The NACCP has become a rudderless ship… engaging in discourse and behavior, which probably have Martin Luther King doing cart wheels in his sanctified grave.

There is an event that shows how low the NAACP has become: when MLK wife died a couple years ago, then President Bush and wife, Laura, went down to Georgia to pay their respect. Many of these men of the NAACP - even President Carter - used their allotted time, which was given to eulogize Mrs. King, to engage in the single most display of incivility I have ever witnessed. President Bush sat there with his wife… and had it been me, I would have left. Mr. Andrew Young was the only one, if I remembered correctly, who chastised these men from the NAACP about their despicable behavior - imagine, the opposite happening by one of my white brothers at a similar August occasion?        

As a Blackman from the Caribbean, when I arrived on these shores as a teenage boy, I went through hell because I did not walk down the Primrose Path with my black brothers on certain issues; then, I might as well have tattooed myself with the “Uncle Tom” and “House Negro” epithets. This was the era when ‘Political Correctness’ was a sapling… a time when the NAACP, assisted  by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson,  planted, watered, and gave increase to this PC cancer… positing that the ‘truth’ is relative.  

Friday, October 15, 2010

Satire Covers A Multitude Of Vitriol… If You Are A Liberal

The O’reilly/Behar/Goldberg smack down from the past few days that took place on the “View” was evidence on how the Liberal pundits are in a full blown panic mode… not being able to handle the shellacking and beat down about to be had in the coming mid-term elections. This controversy also underscores how void Liberals are in taking criticism or having someone being anathema to the bile of political correctness. Those of us who enjoyed a good debate knew that the institutions that were once bastion of free speech are only free to the Liberal or progressive point of view – those who once yelled fascists are now the fascists… emoting from the halls of academia in New York, Boston , California, and a host of others.

The Liberal fascists have also manage to change the definition of speech… so if you are opposed to any progressive ideas, you are a bigot, and moreover, you better not make a mistake and address any liberal by way of a pejorative term - but when they do it… calling you all kinds of names, which are tantamount to unmitigated hateful vitriol, they chalk it up as ‘satire.’ Satire covers a multitude of hatred for Liberals and progressives; one only has to witness the daily hate-fest on MSNBC. This latitude is what people like Behar and Goldberg enjoy, unless you confront them like the O’reillys’ of this world.

It was on that same show, the View, when former host and ‘satirist,’ Rosie O’Donnell said that Traditional Christians were akin to Muslim Jihadists that had blown up the towers. I know then when Rosie said this, Elizabeth Hassellbeck did not walk off nor did Joy Behar. I venture to say that were Whoppi Goldberg apart of the cast, she would have sat there void of the animation and passion she displayed when she walked off during the Bill O’reilly smack down. No doubt Behar and the main host Walters thought that Rosie‘s comparison was spot on and appropriate, and even if it were not so, there was room for Rosie’s idiocy to fall under the tent of ‘satire.’      

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Iran Uses Lebanon As A Gambit

A couple days ago, we saw the Iranian President, Ahmadenijad strutting on the border shared between Lebanon and the Jewish State of Israel and boasting about what he hopes will happen to Israel. This display and rapturous applause given and received by the Iranian Leader are testaments of the difficulties those in the region and the rest of the world face in this internecine conflict. This epochal visit and the tacit provocation by the representatives of the Mullahs basically sacrificed Lebanon as the gambit in this historical battle. Let us be fair, many Lebanese did not support this overt forced alliance and the rhetoric that were on display on their shared borders between Lebanon and Israel, but this put Lebanon once again in the cross hairs of the pending conflict between Hezbollah and the Jewish state… in essence making it a gambit. The situation in Lebanon is akin to the mob or drug dealers who run the proverbial neighborhood and harm the collective – of course, eventually, the collective will have to ban together and stand up to the miscreants who have usurped its authority or suffer the consequences….

The last time there was a war between Hezbollah and Israel, Lebanon was bombarded because the rockets and gunfire were emanating from the Lebanese territory. As is the wont, many Lebanese and the world blamed Israel for responding in kind… saying that Israel’s response was disproportionate. Some even intimated that Israel had no right to even respond to the repetitive bombing, incidentally, which were tallying up massive casualties of Israeli civilians. Now what would you, as an individual do if I (Hezbollah) kept attacking your family (Israel)… causing lethal harm to said family, then I (Hezbollah) taking refuge in a supposed neutral neighbor’s home (here Lebanon). Are you telling me, you would not retaliate with like force, notwithstanding that those willingly or unwillingly providing shelter to your attacker were taking casualties?

Think of the military precedent this would set if Israel did not defend itself when it is being attacked and its enemies take refuge in a supposed neutral neighbor’s home – are we to believe that said enemy (Hezbollah) would cease attacking Israel? There are also practical reasons for the rest of the world to sue for peace in the region; no one wants war because of the potential spread… an all out war between Sunnis and Shiites would cause. This would affect the world’s economy… whereby the oil supplies, which normally traverse the relative peace of the Strait of Hormuz… would cause the oil tankers to make the more difficult trek around Africa’s Cape of Good Hope. Think of the long gas lines and the havoc a wide spread war would cause and the inflated cost of every day items, which are borne out of oil energy? Yet, I, personally sadly see war on the horizon because of the resolve of the combatants… my coming to the sobering conclusion and knowing that no less than a Carthaginian Peace is the solution.     

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Many United States Prisoners Wished That They Were Incarcerated At Guantanamo (Gitmo)

If one were to read about the treatment of alleged terrorists housed at Guantanamo, you would think that this is the Shangri-La of prisons - notwithstanding the clarion calls for Gitmo to be closed because, mostly, of the specious claims made by some Human Rights activists… who see Gitmo as being the template for 'human rights' abuses. The problem is that there are Federal prisoners who sincerely wished that they were housed at Gitmo because of its four-star treatment of the foreign prisoners being housed at Guantanamo. Case in point, in Pennsylvania, the prisoners rations are being substantially curtailed and even necessities like medication are being rationed to the detriment of some prisoners who need these life-saving medicines... like Insulin to survive.   

There are no United Nations advocates speaking out on behalf of these United States prisoners, who, incidentally have committed no violent crimes, but, yet are being treated like third-world citizens. The American media will not be championing these prisoners’ human rights nor will they be waxing poetic about the egregious breeches of the prisoners’ Eight Amendment’s rights, apparently authorized by the authorities who govern the Federal prison in Pennsylvania. This lack of coverage by our usually intrepid media is typical because the plight of the Federal prisoners in Pennsylvania is not a “sexy story.” The media’s salivation in covering this type of story is apparent only when it is coupled with “bashing” America… authoring lauded prose for would-be-terrorists whose beliefs and actions are to maim and kill innocents with extreme prejudice.

Now you know why when some of these alleged terrorists and Gitmo detainees when they are told that they are scheduled to go back to their native countries, they protest vociferously. Many of these foreign jihadists had never been given the amenities, much of which are luxuries compared to what the prisoners in the Federal Pennsylvania Penal system are afforded. We can be certain that the rations are not curtailed at Gitmo nor are there necessary medications being rationed to these terrorists who would, if they had the chance, do our country grave harm. Such is the nature of how twisted we have become in these United States, and I too would be taciturn and indolent had I not been made aware by someone I know ‘serving time’ in what is becoming the Gulag of the Federal prison in Pennsylvania - what irony for the state known for its “brotherly love.”   

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Coming Struggle Between Traditional Christian Beliefs And Those Who Believe In Same Sex Marriage

The belief in traditional marriage is what is currently dogging Paladino, the Republican nominee for the governor for the State of New York. There was a time when it was implied that if you are against same sex marriage, borne out of your traditional Christian beliefs…, that you were deemed a bigot - now, those same sentiments are not even implied anymore… they are expressly posited. Traditional Christians are now lumped in with those who are bullying gays and carrying out despicable beatings, some of which have resulted in death. We are told in not to subtle language that simple preaching out against the gay life style is tantamount to hate speech, but the same Bible that proscribed homosexuality is the same Bible that has proscriptions against Fornication, Adultery, lying, murder too.…

We are left to think that if a preacher admonishes his congregation about abstaining from all the proscribed behaviors… that those of us who have engaged in said behaviors are victims of hate speech too. This is where we are heading and the implication is that we, as Traditional Christians, must choose what we want to believe from the Bible – we simply cannot do that… for then we might as well not believe in the physical resurrection of the Christ, which is the fulcrum of our Faith. All that the Bible says are wrong, though you may not adhere to such interpretations, are so, no matter what the world has to say contrary wise. We cannot say that I will believe this and not that – though many of us do just that- but those who are traditional Christians accept all of the Bible’s proscriptions, although we fall short. Falling short does not mean that what we do is ok because we like it… when the Bible says otherwise. When Mary Magdalene was about to be stoned for engaging in Adultery and Jesus interceded… didn’t He tell Mary… “Go and sin no more?” As a traditional Christian, it is none of my business what you do in the privacy of your lives, but do not force me to abandon the tenets of my faith

Now, are there Christians who have engaged in the gay lifestyle – of course, but we cannot go against the word of God, which says that such behavior is sinful. There is no way can a traditional Christian condone the gay lifestyle, be it personal or from others, because we are told that it is wrong and that we cannot enter heaven if we do not ask for forgiveness for many of our actions that the Bible deems sinful, including the much in vogue homosexual lifestyle. And I know there are some Christians who believe that the gay life style is ok, but any reading and the interpretation that say the Biblical God/Jesus condones the gay lifestyle is a perversion. Did engaging in these proscribed behaviors felt good to the senses – yes they did, but I supposed such were the feeling Mary Magdalene felt when she slept with those married men. Notice that only the traditional Christians beliefs are singled out on the gay issue…even though Muslims hold the same beliefs.

Friday, October 8, 2010


The usual attention was paid to Ahmadinejad, the Iranian President, as usual, when he visits the United Nations – everyone was yearning and wanted to know what insane, controversial nuggets would come from his mouth this time. The Iranian leader did not disappoint… opening his prepared statements by paying homage to the Mahdi, who he wished would earnestly come…, which would signify the end of the age and fulfilling some Muslims’ version of eschatology. The problem with Ahmadinejad’s version of  the Mahdi is that he is believe to come to exterminate Christians, Jews, and all other apostates. But who am I to judge because I too believe in traditional Christianity and there are many who have issues with the book of Revelation and our end of days scenario, but I am certain that we do not believe in starting wars to usher in the second coming of the Christ like how Ahmadinejad does for his interpretation of eschatology.

The problem with the speech in the presence of close to 200 member nations is the fact only thirty three or so representatives walked out in the middle of the Iranian leader’s diatribe… therefore giving tacit approval for the killing of Jews and Americans. I have seen this phenomenon before when Rosie O’Donnell, when she was part of “The View,” said that traditional Christians are just as bad as the radical Muslims who carry out lethal “jihad.” There was a problem with Rosie’s positing this spurious comparison, but the bigger problem that was more egregious was the fact that most of “The View’s” audience applauded when Rosie made the bogus comparison. The same moral indolence could be said about these respective countries representatives that sat there and listened to the threats by the Iranian leader… they were akin to Rosie's audience.

The irony is that most of these countries giving tacit approval to Ahmadinejad wishful end of the age genocide fantasy probably in the past benefited from America’s generous largess and will come begging again in the near future holding out their ungrateful hands for American aid.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Biased Media Are Eating Their Own

It was recently when I heard Rick Sanchez relished opining that Fox News was not a real news organization, but unlike most of the Liberal media, being forced to choose from among their popular purveyors of bias and hate, I will have no joy in Sanchez’s lost of his job… though, I suspect that were the shoe on the other foot… Mr. Sanchez would be dancing the jig. Mr. Sanchez probably thought that he had arrived and had license to say what he felt on a given topic… but to criticize Jon Stewart of being a bigot… well, that’s a no, no because blacks and ‘cool’ Liberals are incapable of being bigots.

I personally do not know if Stewart is a bigot… but, I can bet that he has said things about Beck or Palin that are just as outrageous… but that is ok because they are “Right Wing Fanatics,” and moreover, he has said these pithy outrageous things under the rubric of satire. Satire for haters has become the craven refuge of those who do  not want to argue facts… but note that only Liberals have right to invoke this all encompassing “satire” cover.  

If only Rick Sanchez had invoked this “satire” like is the wont of the object of his invective, Jon Stewart… perhaps, he might still have a job at CNN.  The loons at MSNBC – Maddow and Olbermann – mentioned Rick’s demise… with straight faces. But why am I surprise of the hypocrisy? President Clinton was recently calling Republicans names to fire up the Democratic base… knowing that Monica Lewinsky still has evidence of his prematurity (pun intended).

M r. Sanchez has been spewing much lunacy, but he dare to attack his own… forcing the elites to choose and sacrifice one its own. Take comfort Mr. Sanchez… many of my black brothers and sisters have made the same mistake you have made… thinking that Liberals are supposedly different from Republicans vis-à-vis the race issue. The Blackman is the lowest on the totem pole… and you Mr. Sanchez, according to their scheme, are above the Blackman - but you should have known that our Jewish brothers (Jon Stewart) and sisters have more juice than you do.

Mr. Sanchez should take heart that his show did not have high ratings and that those of Stewart, Maddow, and Olbermann are in the same sinking ship; it is worth repeating that sometime in the near future some pet will perform a trick, which will be place on the Internet… going viral and garnering much more ratings than Olbermann, Maddow, Stewart and the like… combined.