Friday, October 15, 2010

Satire Covers A Multitude Of Vitriol… If You Are A Liberal

The O’reilly/Behar/Goldberg smack down from the past few days that took place on the “View” was evidence on how the Liberal pundits are in a full blown panic mode… not being able to handle the shellacking and beat down about to be had in the coming mid-term elections. This controversy also underscores how void Liberals are in taking criticism or having someone being anathema to the bile of political correctness. Those of us who enjoyed a good debate knew that the institutions that were once bastion of free speech are only free to the Liberal or progressive point of view – those who once yelled fascists are now the fascists… emoting from the halls of academia in New York, Boston , California, and a host of others.

The Liberal fascists have also manage to change the definition of speech… so if you are opposed to any progressive ideas, you are a bigot, and moreover, you better not make a mistake and address any liberal by way of a pejorative term - but when they do it… calling you all kinds of names, which are tantamount to unmitigated hateful vitriol, they chalk it up as ‘satire.’ Satire covers a multitude of hatred for Liberals and progressives; one only has to witness the daily hate-fest on MSNBC. This latitude is what people like Behar and Goldberg enjoy, unless you confront them like the O’reillys’ of this world.

It was on that same show, the View, when former host and ‘satirist,’ Rosie O’Donnell said that Traditional Christians were akin to Muslim Jihadists that had blown up the towers. I know then when Rosie said this, Elizabeth Hassellbeck did not walk off nor did Joy Behar. I venture to say that were Whoppi Goldberg apart of the cast, she would have sat there void of the animation and passion she displayed when she walked off during the Bill O’reilly smack down. No doubt Behar and the main host Walters thought that Rosie‘s comparison was spot on and appropriate, and even if it were not so, there was room for Rosie’s idiocy to fall under the tent of ‘satire.’      

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