Monday, September 6, 2010

News From Circa 2012 And Beyond

The famous author Dan Brown, author of the Da vinci Code, whose plot centered on Jesus being married to Mary Magdalene, decided that it was only fair to give the Devil his due. As a consequence, Dan Brown has been trying to get an interview and photograph with former President George Bush, preferably with cloven hooves and horns. You may be salivating wanting to know whatever happened to the members of the troika Obama administration (Barrack Obama, Harry Reed, and Nancy Pelosi). Of note, all the faces on Mount Rushmore were replaced with that of President Barack Obama, but Harry Reed is now a professor... teaching revisionist history.

Nancy Pelosi didn’t fare so well under the socialized medicine she helped usher in; she has repeatedly sued the government for cutting back her psychotropic drugs. One only has to go down to Christopher Street in Frisco to see Nancy wearing her trade mark shirt with the caption, “Zoloft is a right, not a privilege.” Bin laden is now teaching Comparative Law, with an emphasis on Sharia Law, at Columbia University. The other members of al Queada are living it up at the Upper East Side with multiple wives; they successfully sued the government for the psychological harm attributed to water boarding and won millions - John Edwards was one of their attorneys. In a related story, some members of the Mormon faith claimed that if they had known that Bin Laden cohorts would be allowed plural marriages, they would have carried out Jihad in Utah.

You may ask what happened to Verily Prime…he was jailed for blasphemy. Apparently, he insisted in reading the original New Testament, and not the new version, which replaced the “Sermon On The Mount” found in the Gospel of Matthew, with Obama’s Inauguration 2009 speech. During the allocution of Verily Prime, the judge asked Verily Prime if he were contrite. Verily Prime answered no because President Obama appeared to be “flesh and blood” and, moreover, hadn’t walked on water during his tenure in office. The presiding judge admonished Verily Prime about being willfully blind and not paying attention to what took place between January 2009 and 2012.

After being convicted for blasphemy, Verily Prime begged the judge to be incarcerated in the best jail in the world at Guantanamo, but alas, he was turned down and sent to Fort Leavenworth. Incidentally, Al Gore, sometime in April 1st of 2012, went for a drive in his spanking brand new hybrid and was never seen again. Fox Moulder and Dana Scully from X-files fame were called in to work the case. It is said their findings were turned over to the authorities; one of the persistent rumors… or urban legend is that a thumb print belonging to Vice President Dick Cheney was found on Al Gore’s abandoned hybrid….

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